ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
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Каталог продукции
  Рекомбинантные белки
  · Гормоны
  Гематология и трансфузиология
  Иммуноферментный анализ (ИФА)
  Клеточные технологии
  Клиническая биохимия
  Молекулярная диагностика
  Мультиплексный анализ  
  Оборудование для биохимии и
  молекулярной биологии
  Общелабораторное оборудование
  Пищевая промышленность  
  Программное обеспечение  
  Проточная цитометрия
  Репродуктивные технологии
  Секвенирование NGS
  Сортировка клеток
  Цитогенетическая диагностика

/ Каталог / Протеомика / Белки / Рекомбинантные белки

Рекомбинантные белки ProSpec, Panomics и Евроген

CD-антигены (27 продуктов): PRO-464 (CD10), PRO-472 (CD11b), PRO-466 (CD14), PRO-537 (CD14 мышиный), PRO-473 (CD146), PRO-494 (CD147), PRO-536 (CD14-CHO), PRO-467 (CD1A), PRO-468 (CD2), PRO-469 (CD21), PRO-470 (CD23), PRO-474 (CD25), PRO-475 (CD29), PRO-471 (CD31), PRO-292 (CD34), PRO-476 (CD38), PRO-478 (CD43), PRO-482 (CD45), PRO-487 (CD52), PRO-483 (CD56), PRO-293 (CD68), PRO-484 (CD7), PRO-486 (CD72), PRO-485 (CD9), PRO-503 (CD95), PRO-294 (CD99), PRO-490 (CDC-6)

FABP (4 продукта): PRO-588, PR0-340, PRO-416, PRO-417

HMGB1(1 продукт): PRO-581

PCNA (1 продукт): PRO-303

S100 (8 продуктов): PRO-364, PRO-307, PRO-409, PRO-384, PRO-385, PRO-306, PRO-425, PRO-426

SNAP25 (2 продукта): PRO-573, PRO-396

Аллергические белки (5 продуктов): ALR-004, ALR-003, ALR-001, ALR-002, ALR-005

Альбумин (2 продукта): PRO-332, PRO-369

Белки G, A, A/G (2 продукта): PRO-356, PRO-402

Виментин (2 продукта): PRO-309, PRO-525

В-клеточные лимфомы (3 продукта): PRO-411, PRO-459, PRO-460

Другие рекомбинантные белки (163 продукта): PRO-377 (актин гамма 1), PRO-379 (актин-подобный 6А), PRO-405 (ADFP), PRO-589 (антиген 85В к основному секреторному белку Mycobacterium tuberculosis), PRO-580 (гомолог AGR2), PRO-456 (альфа-интернексин), PRO-455 (ALK-P80), PRO-518 (актинин), PRO-284, PRO-449 (аннексин 7), PRO-450 (аннексин 9), PRO-451 (комплекс белков сборки 2), PRO-452 (комплекс сборки белков 3), PRO-453 (компонент амилоида P), PRO-454 (фактор, родственный аутофагам 5), PRO-457 (APO-D), PRO-414 (апротинин бычий), PRO-337 (микроглобулин В2), PRO-388 (гликопротеин-I бета2), PRO-458 (BAD), PRO-412 (Bax мышиный), PRO-316 (beta-trace), PRO-568 (белок, индуцирующий TGF beta), PRO-463 (BP-1), PRO-461 (кадгерин-Е), PRO-462 (кадгерин-N), PRO-282 (калпастатин), PRO-400 (кальбиндин D-28K), PRO-401 (кальбиндин D-29K), PRO-399 (кальбиндин D-9K), PRO-290 (кальретинин мышиный), PRO-489 (кавеолин-3), PRO-287 (карциноэмбриональный антиген), PRO-433 (С/EBP альфа), PRO-434 (C/EBP гамма), PRO-389 (белок центромер А), PRO-390 (белок центромер В), PRO-491 (хромагранин А), PRO-295 (Cbp/p300 - взаимодейтсвующий трансактиватор/ MSP-1), PRO-359 (коллаген), PRO-479 (коллаген-1), PRO-480 (коллаген-3), PRO-492 (коллаген-6), PRO-493 (CRMP-1), PRO-335 (C-реактивный белок), PRO-291 (катепсин-D), PRO-488 (катепсин-L), PRO-296 (D4-GDI), PRO-520 (десмин), PRO-575 (DJ-1), PRO-319 (критический белок 1 синдрома Дауна), PRO-248 (эндостатин), PRO-495 (эфрин А1), PRO-498 (эфрин А4), PRO-496 (эфрин B1), PRO-497 (эфрин B3), PRO-499 (рецептор эстрогена альфа), PRO-563 (ESAT-6), PRO-501 (Ets-1), PRO-331 (фактор VIIa), PRO-318 (фактор VIII), PRO-502 (антиген, родственный фактору VIII), PRO-297 (гистидиновые триады), PRO-504 (филаггрин), PRO-505 (FOS-B), PRO-506 (Fyn-p59), PRO-435 (GAGA-POZ), PRO-387 (клубочковая базальная мембрана), PRO-508 (GCDFP-15), PRO-481 (гелатин), PRO-579 (геминин), PRO-312 (глутатион-S-трансфераза), PRO-567 (гаптоглобулин), PRO-477 (гипоксия-индуцируемый фактор-1 альфа), PRO-362 (гирудин), PRO-423 (простата-специфический ген-1), PRO-383 (молекула межклеточной адгезии-1), PRO-375 (внутренний фактор), PRO-512 (инволюкрин), PRO-436 (IPP-POZ), PRO-513 (IRF4/MUM-1), PRO-298 (кератин-8), PRO-397 (Ku P70/P80), PRO-327 (LA/SS-B), PRO-431 (лейкоцит-ассоцированный Ig-подобный рецептор 1), PRO-361 (антилипополисахаридный фактор Limulus), PRO-538 (липополисахарид-связанный белок), PRO-539 (липополисахарид-связанный белок, мышиный), PRO-545 (лектин), PRO-320 (листериолизин-О), PRO-373 (листериолизин-О PEST-free), PRO-311 (MAGE-1), PRO-515 (маммаглобулин), PRO-299 (MART-1), PRO-509 (меланома gp100), PRO-367 (ген А, родственный цепям MHC класса I), PRO-368 (ген B, родственный цепям MHC класса I), PRO-516 (микрофталмия), PRO-526 (гомолог-1 MutL), PRO-528 (гомолог 2 MutS), PRO-527 (миогенный фактор-4), PRO-530 (белок дифференциации миобластов 1), PRO-336 (миоглобулин), PRO-374 (миоглобулин), PRO-432 (цитотоксический рецептор NKp46), PRO-366 (регуляторные легкие цепи не мускульного миозина-II), PRO-566 (нейрон-специфическая энолаза), PRO-531 (желудочный плоскоклеточный рак), PRO-571 (белок внешней бактериальной мембраны-А), PRO-420 (остеокрин), PRO-300 (P21-WAF1), PRO-310 (P504/альфа метилацил-CoA-рацемаза), PRO-302 (p53, рекомбинантный), PRO-301 (мутант p53), PRO-533 (p63), PRO-421 (панкреатит-ассоциированный белок-1), PRO-415 (PDX-1), PRO-534 (периферин), PRO-360 (C-концевой гемопексин-подобный домен MMP-2), PRO-532 (p-гликопротеин/MRP), PRO-535 (PGR), PRO-444 (PM/Scl 100), PRO-422 (прокатепсин К), PRO-305 (PTEN), PRO-398 (парвальбумин), PRO-572 (субстрат 1 ботулистического токсина), PRO-584 (белок, ассоциированный с ретинобластомой), PRO-441 (рекаверин), PRO-289 (регенерирующий белок 1 альфа), PRO-391 (регенерирующий белок 1 бета), PRO-424 (регенерирующий белок IV), PRO-437 (рецептор ретиноида X альфа), PRO-328 (RO-52/SS-A), PRO-329 (RO-60/SS-A), PRO-392 (рибосомальный фосфопротеин PO), PRO-352 (рецептор-ассоциированный белок, крысиный), PRO-582 (SPARC), PRO-404 (спектрин альфа), PRO-542 (Src, мышиный), PRO-543 (стефин А), PRO-574 (синтаксин-1А), PRO-583 (синдекан-4), PRO-585 (вирус гравировки табака), PRO-544 (фактор транскрипции, связывающийся с ighm энхансером 3), PRO-288 (тромбоспондин), PRO-313 (бычий трипсин), PRO-442 (раковый белок D52 L1), PRO-308 (трансглутаминаза-2), PRO-587 (Rat Tropic 1808), PRO-341 (тропонин 1), PRO-343 (комплекс кардиальный тропонин I-T-C), PRO-546 (тироидный фактор транскрипции-1), PRO-445 (U1-snRNP 68 kDa), PRO-547 (уроплакин-3), PRO-386 (молекула клеточной адгезии 1), PRO-440 (белок фон Гиппеля-Линдау), PRO-365 (легкие цепи желудочного миозина LCII), PRO-548 (гомолог 1 вируса саркомы Yamaguchi), PRO-403 (гликопротеин цинк-альфа 2), PRO-549 (протеин киназа 70), PRO-550 (запирающая зона 1), SYN-002 (фондапаринукс).

Кальмодулин (1 продукт): PRO-370

Кардиальный тропонин (7 продуктов): PRO-344, PRO-345, PRO-346, PRO-322, PRO-323, PRO-324, PRO-342

Клетки-киллеры (4 продукта): PRO-428, PRO-429, PRO-430, PRO-427

Комплементарный компонент (3 продукта): PRO-554, PRO-555, PRO-556

Селектин (3 продукта): PRO-380, PRO-381, PRO-382

Синаптобревин (2 продукта): PRO-577, PRO-578

Синуклеин (3 продукта): PRO-393, PRO-394, PRO-395

Стрептавидин (2 продукта): PRO-283, PRO-338

Супероксиддисмутаза (1 продукт): PRO-286

Триоредуксин (3 продукта): PRO-569, PRO-334, PRO-333

Убиквитин (8 продуктов): PRO-576, PRO-304, PRO-314, PRO-541, PRO-326, PRO-586, PRO-280, PRO-372

Ферритин (1 продукт): PRO-564

Цистатин (2 продукта): PRO-413, PRO-438

Цитокератин (5 продуктов): PRO-347, PRO-348, PRO-349, PRO-350, PRO-351, PRO-507

Информация для заказа

Страницы: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13
Наименование ОбъемПроизводствоМетод Кат.Номер
Recombinant Human Hemoglobin, Alpha 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1183 
Recombinant Human Hemoglobin, Alpha 2  2µgProSpec  pro-1183 
Recombinant Human Hemoglobin-Zeta  25µgProSpec  PRO-803 
Recombinant Human Hemoglobin-Zeta  5µgProSpec  PRO-803 
Recombinant Human Hemoglobin-Zeta  1 мгProSpec  PRO-803 
Recombinant Human Hemopexin  1 мгProSpec  pro-1869 
Recombinant Human Hemopexin  20µgProSpec  pro-1869 
Recombinant Human Hemopexin  5µgProSpec  pro-1869 
Recombinant Human HEPACAM2  10µgProSpec  pro-1672 
Recombinant Human HEPACAM2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1672 
Recombinant Human HEPACAM2  2µgProSpec  pro-1672 
Recombinant Human Hepatic Leukemia Factor  1µgProSpec  pro-904 
Recombinant Human Hepatic Leukemia Factor  5µgProSpec  pro-904 
Recombinant Human Hepatic Leukemia Factor  50µgProSpec  pro-904 
Recombinant Human HERPUD1  10µgProSpec  pro-2105 
Recombinant Human HERPUD1  1 мгProSpec  pro-2105 
Recombinant Human HERPUD1  2µgProSpec  pro-2105 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A/B  10µgProSpec  pro-1731 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A/B  1 мгProSpec  pro-1731 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A/B  2µgProSpec  pro-1731 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1038 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A1  20µgProSpec  pro-1038 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein A1  5µgProSpec  pro-1038 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein C  1µgProSpec  pro-177 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein C  5µgProSpec  pro-177 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein C  50µgProSpec  pro-177 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K  1 мгProSpec  pro-1539 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K  20µgProSpec  pro-1539 
Recombinant Human Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K  5µgProSpec  pro-1539 
Recombinant Human Hexamethylene Bis-Acetamide Inducible 1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-789 
Recombinant Human Hexamethylene Bis-Acetamide Inducible 1  2µgProSpec  PRO-789 
Recombinant Human Hexamethylene Bis-Acetamide Inducible 1  10µgProSpec  PRO-789 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group AT-Hook 1  10µgProSpec  pro-887 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group AT-Hook 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-887 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group AT-Hook 1  2µgProSpec  pro-887 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group AT-Hook 2  10µgProSpec  pro-1469 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group AT-Hook 2  100µgProSpec  pro-1469 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group AT-Hook 2  2µgProSpec  pro-1469 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group Nucleosomal Binding Domain 3  1 мгProSpec  pro-2068 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group Nucleosomal Binding Domain 3  20µgProSpec  pro-2068 
Recombinant Human High Mobility Group Nucleosomal Binding Domain 3  5µgProSpec  pro-2068 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 1 Hi-5 Insect Cells  20µgProSpec  PRO-610 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 1 Hi-5 Insect Cells  5µgProSpec  PRO-610 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 1 Hi-5 Insect Cells  1 мгProSpec  PRO-610 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 1  10µgProSpec  PRO-581 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 1  50µgProSpec  PRO-581 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-581 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-888 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 2  20µgProSpec  pro-888 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 2  5µgProSpec  pro-888 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 3  1 мгProSpec  pro-1623 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 3  20µgProSpec  pro-1623 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Box 3  5µgProSpec  pro-1623 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Nucleosome Binding Domain 1  2µgProSpec  PRO-821 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Nucleosome Binding Domain 1  10µgProSpec  PRO-821 
Recombinant Human High-Mobility Group Nucleosome Binding Domain 1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-821 
Recombinant Human Hippocalcin-Like 1  10µgProSpec  pro-254 
Recombinant Human Hippocalcin-Like 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-254 
Recombinant Human Hippocalcin-Like 1  2µgProSpec  pro-254 
Recombinant Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-702 
Recombinant Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1  20µgProSpec  PRO-702 
Recombinant Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 1  5µgProSpec  PRO-702 
Recombinant Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 2  10µgProSpec  pro-1455 
Recombinant Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1455 
Recombinant Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding Protein 2  2µgProSpec  pro-1455 
Recombinant Human Homeobox A9  1 мгProSpec  pro-1956 
Recombinant Human Homeobox A9  20µgProSpec  pro-1956 
Recombinant Human Homeobox A9  5µgProSpec  pro-1956 
Recombinant Human Homeobox B13  1 мгProSpec  pro-1765 
Recombinant Human Homeobox B13  20µgProSpec  pro-1765 
Recombinant Human Homeobox B13  5µgProSpec  pro-1765 
Recombinant Human Homeobox C11  1 мгProSpec  pro-1658 
Recombinant Human Homeobox C11  20µgProSpec  pro-1658 
Recombinant Human Homeobox C11  5µgProSpec  pro-1658 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-1  5µgProSpec  PRO-695 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-1  20µgProSpec  PRO-695 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-695 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-2  10µgProSpec  pro-1072 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1072 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-2  2µgProSpec  pro-1072 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-3  1 мгProSpec  pro-1108 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-3  20µgProSpec  pro-1108 
Recombinant Human Homer Homolog-3  5µgProSpec  pro-1108 
Recombinant Human HOP homeobox  1 мгProSpec  pro-1158 
Recombinant Human HOP homeobox  20µgProSpec  pro-1158 
Recombinant Human HOP homeobox  5µgProSpec  pro-1158 
Recombinant Human HscB Iron-Sulfur Cluster Co-Chaperone  1 мгProSpec  pro-1142 
Recombinant Human HscB Iron-Sulfur Cluster Co-Chaperone  20µgProSpec  pro-1142 
Recombinant Human HscB Iron-Sulfur Cluster Co-Chaperone  5µgProSpec  pro-1142 
Recombinant Human HUS1 Checkpoint Homolog  1µgProSpec  pro-039 
Recombinant Human HUS1 Checkpoint Homolog  5µgProSpec  pro-039 
Recombinant Human HUS1 Checkpoint Homolog  50µgProSpec  pro-039 
Recombinant Human Hyaluronan And Proteoglycan Link Protein 1  10µgProSpec  pro-2012 
Recombinant Human Hyaluronan And Proteoglycan Link Protein 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-2012 
Recombinant Human Hyaluronan And Proteoglycan Link Protein 1  2µgProSpec  pro-2012 
Recombinant Human Hydroxysteroid (17-beta) Dehydrogenase 10  1 мгProSpec  PRO-823 
Recombinant Human Hydroxysteroid (17-beta) Dehydrogenase 10  25µgProSpec  PRO-823 
Recombinant Human Hydroxysteroid (17-beta) Dehydrogenase 10  5µgProSpec  PRO-823 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha (85 a.a.)  1µgProSpec  pro-258 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha (85 a.a.)  5µgProSpec  pro-258 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha (85 a.a.)  50µgProSpec  pro-258 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha  10µgProSpec  PRO-477 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha  50µgProSpec  PRO-477 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha  1 мгProSpec  PRO-477 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha His Tag  10µgProSpec  PRO-415 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha His Tag  1 мгProSpec  PRO-415 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha His Tag  2µgProSpec  PRO-415 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha Inhibitor  10µgProSpec  PRO-662 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha Inhibitor  50µgProSpec  PRO-662 
Recombinant Human Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 Alpha Inhibitor  1 мгProSpec  PRO-662 
Recombinant Human IGF-Like Family Receptor 1  10µgProSpec  pro-1432 
Recombinant Human IGF-Like Family Receptor 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1432 
Recombinant Human IGF-Like Family Receptor 1  2µgProSpec  pro-1432 
Recombinant Human Immature Colon Carcinoma Transcript 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1303 
Recombinant Human Immature Colon Carcinoma Transcript 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1303 
Recombinant Human Immature Colon Carcinoma Transcript 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1303 
Recombinant Human Immediate Early Response 3  10µgProSpec  pro-1490 
Recombinant Human Immediate Early Response 3  100µgProSpec  pro-1490 
Recombinant Human Immediate Early Response 3  2µgProSpec  pro-1490 
Recombinant Human Immunity-Related GTPase Family, M  1 мгProSpec  pro-1302 
Recombinant Human Immunity-Related GTPase Family, M  20µgProSpec  pro-1302 
Recombinant Human Immunity-Related GTPase Family, M  5µgProSpec  pro-1302 
Recombinant Human Immunoglobulin J  1 мгProSpec  pro-1420 
Recombinant Human Immunoglobulin J  20µgProSpec  pro-1420 
Recombinant Human Immunoglobulin J  5µgProSpec  pro-1420 
Recombinant Human Immunoglobulin Lambda-Like Polypeptide 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1390 
Recombinant Human Immunoglobulin Lambda-Like Polypeptide 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1390 
Recombinant Human Immunoglobulin Lambda-Like Polypeptide 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1390 
Recombinant Human IMP3  1 мгProSpec  pro-015 
Recombinant Human IMP3  20µgProSpec  pro-015 
Recombinant Human IMP3  5µgProSpec  pro-015 
Recombinant Human Impact RWD Domain Protein  1 мгProSpec  pro-1653 
Recombinant Human Impact RWD Domain Protein  20µgProSpec  pro-1653 
Recombinant Human Impact RWD Domain Protein  5µgProSpec  pro-1653 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of DNA Binding 1  10µgProSpec  pro-1426 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of DNA Binding 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1426 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of DNA Binding 1  2µgProSpec  pro-1426 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of DNA Binding 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1383 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of DNA Binding 2  20µgProSpec  pro-1383 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of DNA Binding 2  5µgProSpec  pro-1383 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of Growth Family, Member 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-2130 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of Growth Family, Member 1  20µgProSpec  pro-2130 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of Growth Family, Member 1  5µgProSpec  pro-2130 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of Growth Family, Member 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1739 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of Growth Family, Member 2  20µgProSpec  pro-1739 
Recombinant Human Inhibitor of Growth Family, Member 2  5µgProSpec  pro-1739 
Recombinant Human Inositol Monophosphatase Domain Containing 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1346 
Recombinant Human Inositol Monophosphatase Domain Containing 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1346 
Recombinant Human Inositol Monophosphatase Domain Containing 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1346 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 1 Binding Protein 3  10µgProSpec  pro-1177 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 1 Binding Protein 3  100µgProSpec  pro-1177 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 1 Binding Protein 3  2µgProSpec  pro-1177 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1817 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1817 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1817 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 3 Binding Protein  10µgProSpec  pro-1435 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 3 Binding Protein  100µgProSpec  pro-1435 
Recombinant Human Integrin Beta 3 Binding Protein  2µgProSpec  pro-1435 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1, HEK  10µgProSpec  pro-1643 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1, HEK  1 мгProSpec  pro-1643 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1, HEK  50µgProSpec  pro-1643 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1  2µgProSpec  PRO-383 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1  10µgProSpec  PRO-383 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-383 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-2  10µgProSpec  pro-1943 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1943 
Recombinant Human Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-2  2µgProSpec  pro-1943 
Recombinant Human Interferon Induced With Helicase C Domain 1  10µgProSpec  pro-1505 
Recombinant Human Interferon Induced With Helicase C Domain 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1505 
Recombinant Human Interferon Induced With Helicase C Domain 1  2µgProSpec  pro-1505 
Recombinant Human Interferon Stimulated Gene 15  50µgProSpec  PRO-611 
Recombinant Human Interferon Stimulated Gene 15  10µgProSpec  PRO-611 
Recombinant Human Interferon Stimulated Gene 15  1 мгProSpec  PRO-611 
Recombinant Human Intraflagellar Transport 20 Homolog  1 мгProSpec  pro-1222 
Recombinant Human Intraflagellar Transport 20 Homolog  20µgProSpec  pro-1222 
Recombinant Human Intraflagellar Transport 20 Homolog  5µgProSpec  pro-1222 
Recombinant Human Intrinsic Factor  2µgProSpec  PRO-375 
Recombinant Human Intrinsic Factor  10µgProSpec  PRO-375 
Recombinant Human Intrinsic Factor  1 мгProSpec  PRO-375 
Recombinant Human Involucrin  2µgProSpec  PRO-512 
Recombinant Human Involucrin  5µgProSpec  PRO-512 
Recombinant Human Involucrin  10µgProSpec  PRO-512 
Recombinant Human IPP-POZ  10µgProSpec  PRO-436 
Recombinant Human IPP-POZ  50µgProSpec  PRO-436 
Recombinant Human IPP-POZ  1 мгProSpec  PRO-436 
Recombinant Human IRF4 / MUM-1  2µgProSpec  PRO-513 
Recombinant Human IRF4 / MUM-1  5µgProSpec  PRO-513 
Recombinant Human IRF4 / MUM-1  10µgProSpec  PRO-513 
Recombinant Human Iron-sulfur Cluster Scaffold Homolog  1µgProSpec  pro-072 
Recombinant Human Iron-sulfur Cluster Scaffold Homolog  5µgProSpec  pro-072 
Recombinant Human Iron-sulfur Cluster Scaffold Homolog  50µgProSpec  pro-072 
Recombinant Human Isochorismatase Domain Containing 2  10µgProSpec  pro-1669 
Recombinant Human Isochorismatase Domain Containing 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1669 
Recombinant Human Isochorismatase Domain Containing 2  2µgProSpec  pro-1669 
Recombinant Human JAZF zinc finger 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1444 
Recombinant Human JAZF zinc finger 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1444 
Recombinant Human JAZF zinc finger 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1444 
Recombinant Human Josephin Domain Containing 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1251 
Recombinant Human Josephin Domain Containing 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1251 
Recombinant Human Josephin Domain Containing 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1251 
Recombinant Human Jumonji Domain Containing 7  1 мгProSpec  pro-1762 
Recombinant Human Jumonji Domain Containing 7  20µgProSpec  pro-1762 
Recombinant Human Jumonji Domain Containing 7  5µgProSpec  pro-1762 
Recombinant Human Jumping Translocation Breakpoint  10µgProSpec  pro-2059 
Recombinant Human Jumping Translocation Breakpoint  1 мгProSpec  pro-2059 
Recombinant Human Jumping Translocation Breakpoint  2µgProSpec  pro-2059 
Recombinant Human Jun Dimerization Protein 2  1µgProSpec  pro-1441 
Recombinant Human Jun Dimerization Protein 2  5µgProSpec  pro-1441 
Recombinant Human Jun Dimerization Protein 2  50µgProSpec  pro-1441 
Recombinant Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1336 
Recombinant Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule 2  20µgProSpec  pro-1336 
Recombinant Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule 2  5µgProSpec  pro-1336 
Recombinant Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule 3  10µgProSpec  pro-1223 
Recombinant Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule 3  100µgProSpec  pro-1223 
Recombinant Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule 3  2µgProSpec  pro-1223 
Recombinant Human Junctional Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Protein 1  10µgProSpec  pro-1707 
Recombinant Human Junctional Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Protein 1  100µgProSpec  pro-1707 
Recombinant Human Junctional Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Protein 1  2µgProSpec  pro-1707 
Recombinant Human Kallistatin  10µgProSpec  pro-2036 
Recombinant Human Kallistatin  1 мгProSpec  pro-2036 
Recombinant Human Kallistatin  2µgProSpec  pro-2036 
Recombinant Human karyopherin Alpha 2  10µgProSpec  pro-1032 
Recombinant Human karyopherin Alpha 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1032 
Recombinant Human karyopherin Alpha 2  2µgProSpec  pro-1032 
Recombinant Human karyopherin Beta 1  10µgProSpec  pro-1001 
Recombinant Human karyopherin Beta 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1001 
Recombinant Human karyopherin Beta 1  2µgProSpec  pro-1001 
Recombinant Human KCNMB3  1 мгProSpec  pro-2072 
Recombinant Human KCNMB3  20µgProSpec  pro-2072 
Recombinant Human KCNMB3  5µgProSpec  pro-2072 
Recombinant Human Kelch Domain Containing 8B  1 мгProSpec  pro-2115 
Recombinant Human Kelch Domain Containing 8B  20µgProSpec  pro-2115 
Recombinant Human Kelch Domain Containing 8B  5µgProSpec  pro-2115 
Recombinant Human KH Homology Domain Containing 1-Like  1 мгProSpec  pro-1720 
Recombinant Human KH Homology Domain Containing 1-Like  20µgProSpec  pro-1720 
Recombinant Human KH Homology Domain Containing 1-Like  5µgProSpec  pro-1720 
Recombinant Human KIAA0101  10µgProSpec  pro-1683 
Recombinant Human KIAA0101  1 мгProSpec  pro-1683 
Recombinant Human KIAA0101  2µgProSpec  pro-1683 
Recombinant Human Kidney Associated Antigen 1  1µgProSpec  pro-192 
Recombinant Human Kidney Associated Antigen 1  5µgProSpec  pro-192 
Recombinant Human Kidney Associated Antigen 1  50µgProSpec  pro-192 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 1  5µgProSpec  PRO-428 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 1  20µgProSpec  PRO-428 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-428 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 3  5µgProSpec  PRO-429 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 3  20µgProSpec  PRO-429 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 3  1 мгProSpec  PRO-429 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Short Cytoplasmic Tail 4  5µgProSpec  PRO-430 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Short Cytoplasmic Tail 4  20µgProSpec  PRO-430 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 2 Domains Short Cytoplasmic Tail 4  1 мгProSpec  PRO-430 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 3 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 1  5µgProSpec  PRO-427 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 3 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 1  20µgProSpec  PRO-427 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 3 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-427 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily B, Member 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1189 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily B, Member 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1189 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily B, Member 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1189 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily C, Member 2  10µgProSpec  pro-1190 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily C, Member 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1190 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily C, Member 2  2µgProSpec  pro-1190 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily C, Member 3  1 мгProSpec  pro-1230 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily C, Member 3  20µgProSpec  pro-1230 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell Lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily C, Member 3  5µgProSpec  pro-1230 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell lectin-like Receptor Subfamily G, Member 1  10µgProSpec  pro-1344 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell lectin-like Receptor Subfamily G, Member 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1344 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell lectin-like Receptor Subfamily G, Member 1  2µgProSpec  pro-1344 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily K, Member 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1290 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily K, Member 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1290 
Recombinant Human Killer Cell lectin-Like Receptor Subfamily K, Member 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1290 
Recombinant Human KIN  1 мгProSpec  pro-1275 
Recombinant Human KIN  20µgProSpec  pro-1275 
Recombinant Human KIN  5µgProSpec  pro-1275 
Recombinant Human Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene, Isoform 2A  1 мгProSpec  pro-1446 
Recombinant Human Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene, Isoform 2A  20µgProSpec  pro-1446 
Recombinant Human Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene, Isoform 2A  5µgProSpec  pro-1446 
Recombinant Human Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene, Isoform 2B  5µgProSpec  PRO-854 
Recombinant Human Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene, Isoform 2B  25µgProSpec  PRO-854 
Recombinant Human Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Viral Oncogene, Isoform 2B  1 мгProSpec  PRO-854 
Recombinant Human KISS-1 Metastasis-Suppressor  1 мгProSpec  PRO-419 
Recombinant Human KISS-1 Metastasis-Suppressor  10µgProSpec  PRO-419 
Recombinant Human KISS-1 Metastasis-Suppressor  2µgProSpec  PRO-419 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 12  1 мгProSpec  pro-2090 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 12  20µgProSpec  pro-2090 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 12  5µgProSpec  pro-2090 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 3  1 мгProSpec  pro-1632 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 3  20µgProSpec  pro-1632 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 3  5µgProSpec  pro-1632 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 4  10µgProSpec  pro-891 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 4  1 мгProSpec  pro-891 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 4  2µgProSpec  pro-891 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 6  10µgProSpec  pro-1864 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 6  1 мгProSpec  pro-1864 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 6  2µgProSpec  pro-1864 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 7  1 мгProSpec  pro-1527 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 7  20µgProSpec  pro-1527 
Recombinant Human Kruppel-Like Factor 7  5µgProSpec  pro-1527 
Recombinant Human Ku P70/P80  5µgProSpec  PRO-397 
Recombinant Human Ku P70/P80  20µgProSpec  PRO-397 
Recombinant Human Ku P70/P80  1 мгProSpec  PRO-397 
Recombinant Human Kv Channel Interacting Protein 3  1 мгProSpec  pro-009 
Recombinant Human Kv Channel Interacting Protein 3  20µgProSpec  pro-009 
Recombinant Human Kv Channel Interacting Protein 3  5µgProSpec  pro-009 
Recombinant Human KxDL Motif Containing 1  10µgProSpec  pro-1656 
Recombinant Human KxDL Motif Containing 1  100µgProSpec  pro-1656 
Recombinant Human KxDL Motif Containing 1  2µgProSpec  pro-1656 
Recombinant Human L Antigen Family Member 3  10µgProSpec  pro-1424 
Recombinant Human L Antigen Family Member 3  100µgProSpec  pro-1424 
Recombinant Human L Antigen Family Member 3  2µgProSpec  pro-1424 
Recombinant Human LA / SS-B  10µgProSpec  PRO-327 
Recombinant Human LA / SS-B  50µgProSpec  PRO-327 
Recombinant Human LA / SS-B  1 мгProSpec  PRO-327 
Recombinant Human LA / SS-B  20µgProSpec  pro-327 
Recombinant Human LA / SS-B  5µgProSpec  pro-327 
Recombinant Human Lactoferrin Apo  10 мгProSpec  PRO-593 
Recombinant Human Lactoferrin Apo  100 мгProSpec  PRO-593 
Recombinant Human Lactoferrin Apo  1gramProSpec  PRO-593 
Recombinant Human Lactoferrin Holo  1gramProSpec  PRO-592 
Recombinant Human Lactoferrin Holo  100 мгProSpec  PRO-592 
Recombinant Human Lactoferrin Holo  10 мгProSpec  PRO-592 
Recombinant Human Lamin-A  2µgProSpec  PRO-690 
Recombinant Human Lamin-A  10µgProSpec  PRO-690 
Recombinant Human Lamin-A  100µgProSpec  pro-690 
Recombinant Human LAMTOR2   10µgProSpec  pro-1440 
Recombinant Human LAMTOR2   1 мгProSpec  pro-1440 
Recombinant Human LAMTOR2   2µgProSpec  pro-1440 
Recombinant Human LAMTOR4  10µgProSpec  pro-2065 
Recombinant Human LAMTOR4  100µgProSpec  pro-2065 
Recombinant Human LAMTOR4  2µgProSpec  pro-2065 
Recombinant Human LanC Lantibiotic Synthetase Component C-Like 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-2004 
Recombinant Human LanC Lantibiotic Synthetase Component C-Like 1  20µgProSpec  pro-2004 
Recombinant Human LanC Lantibiotic Synthetase Component C-Like 1  5µgProSpec  pro-2004 
Recombinant Human Layilin  1 мгProSpec  pro-1629 
Recombinant Human Layilin  20µgProSpec  pro-1629 
Recombinant Human Layilin  5µgProSpec  pro-1629 
Recombinant Human Lck Interacting Transmembrane Adaptor 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1752 
Recombinant Human Lck Interacting Transmembrane Adaptor 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1752 
Recombinant Human Lck Interacting Transmembrane Adaptor 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1752 
Recombinant Human Lectin Galactoside-Binding-Like  10µgProSpec  pro-1374 
Recombinant Human Lectin Galactoside-Binding-Like  1 мгProSpec  pro-1374 
Recombinant Human Lectin Galactoside-Binding-Like  2µgProSpec  pro-1374 
Recombinant Human Left-Right Determination Factor 1  1ugProSpec  pro-962 
Recombinant Human Left-Right Determination Factor 1  50µgProSpec  pro-962 
Recombinant Human Left-Right Determination Factor 1  5ugProSpec  pro-962 
Recombinant Human Left-Right Determination Factor 2  1ugProSpec  pro-1767 
Recombinant Human Left-Right Determination Factor 2  50µgProSpec  pro-1767 
Recombinant Human Left-Right Determination Factor 2  5ugProSpec  pro-1767 
Recombinant Human Leucine Rich Repeat Containing 59  10µgProSpec  pro-1714 
Recombinant Human Leucine Rich Repeat Containing 59  1 мгProSpec  pro-1714 
Recombinant Human Leucine Rich Repeat Containing 59  2µgProSpec  pro-1714 
Recombinant Human Leucine Zipper And CTNNBIP1 Domain Containing  1 мгProSpec  pro-1831 
Recombinant Human Leucine Zipper And CTNNBIP1 Domain Containing  20µgProSpec  pro-1831 
Recombinant Human Leucine Zipper And CTNNBIP1 Domain Containing  5µgProSpec  pro-1831 
Recombinant Human Leucine Zipper, Down-Regulated in Cancer 1-Like  1 мгProSpec  pro-1153 
Recombinant Human Leucine Zipper, Down-Regulated in Cancer 1-Like  20µgProSpec  pro-1153 
Recombinant Human Leucine Zipper, Down-Regulated in Cancer 1-Like  5µgProSpec  pro-1153 
Recombinant Human Leucine-Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1676 
Recombinant Human Leucine-Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1676 
Recombinant Human Leucine-Rich Alpha-2-Glycoprotein 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1676 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1 (214-333 a.a.)  1 мгProSpec  pro-1857 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1 (214-333 a.a.)  20µgProSpec  pro-1857 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1 (214-333 a.a.)  5µgProSpec  pro-1857 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1 (214-334 a.a.)  1 мгProSpec  pro-1846 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1 (214-334 a.a.)  20µgProSpec  pro-1846 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell Derived Chemotaxin 1 (214-334 a.a.)  5µgProSpec  pro-1846 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell-Derived Chemotaxin 2  10µgProSpec  pro-2037 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell-Derived Chemotaxin 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-2037 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte Cell-Derived Chemotaxin 2  2µgProSpec  pro-2037 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte-Associated Ig-Like Receptor 1  5µgProSpec  PRO-431 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte-Associated Ig-Like Receptor 1  20µgProSpec  PRO-431 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte-Associated Ig-Like Receptor 1  1 мгProSpec  PRO-431 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte-Associated Ig-Like Receptor 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1081 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte-Associated Ig-Like Receptor 2  20µgProSpec  pro-1081 
Recombinant Human Leukocyte-Associated Ig-Like Receptor 2  5µgProSpec  pro-1081 
Recombinant Human Like Collagen  100 мгProSpec  PRO-359 
Recombinant Human Like Collagen  500mgProSpec  PRO-359 
Recombinant Human Like Collagen  1grProSpec  PRO-359 
Recombinant Human LIM and SH3 Protein 1  1ugProSpec  pro-1031 
Recombinant Human LIM and SH3 Protein 1  50µgProSpec  pro-1031 
Recombinant Human LIM and SH3 Protein 1  5ugProSpec  pro-1031 
Recombinant Human LIM Domain Containing 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1620 
Recombinant Human LIM Domain Containing 2  20µgProSpec  pro-1620 
Recombinant Human LIM Domain Containing 2  5µgProSpec  pro-1620 
Recombinant Human LIM Domain Only 1   10µgProSpec  pro-1457 
Recombinant Human LIM Domain Only 1   100µgProSpec  pro-1457 
Recombinant Human LIM Domain Only 1   2µgProSpec  pro-1457 
Recombinant Human LIM Homeobox Transcription Factor 1, Beta  1 мгProSpec  pro-1999 
Recombinant Human LIM Homeobox Transcription Factor 1, Beta  20µgProSpec  pro-1999 
Recombinant Human LIM Homeobox Transcription Factor 1, Beta  5µgProSpec  pro-1999 
Recombinant Human Limb Bud And Heart Development  100µgProSpec  pro-423 
Recombinant Human Limb Bud And Heart Development  2µgProSpec  PRO-423 
Recombinant Human Limb Bud And Heart Development  10µgProSpec  PRO-423 
Recombinant Human LIN28B  1ugProSpec  pro-1249 
Recombinant Human LIN28B  50µgProSpec  pro-1249 
Recombinant Human LIN28B  5ugProSpec  pro-1249 
Recombinant Human LIN28  10µgProSpec  PRO-743 
Recombinant Human LIN28  2µgProSpec  PRO-743 
Recombinant Human LIN28  1 мгProSpec  PRO-743 
Recombinant Human LIN7A  10µgProSpec  pro-1252 
Recombinant Human LIN7A  1 мгProSpec  pro-1252 
Recombinant Human LIN7A  2µgProSpec  pro-1252 
Recombinant Human LIN7B  10µgProSpec  pro-1298 
Recombinant Human LIN7B  1 мгProSpec  pro-1298 
Recombinant Human LIN7B  2µgProSpec  pro-1298 
Recombinant Human LIN7C  1 мгProSpec  pro-1305 
Recombinant Human LIN7C  20µgProSpec  pro-1305 
Recombinant Human LIN7C  5µgProSpec  pro-1305 
Recombinant Human Linker for Activation of T Cells  10µgProSpec  pro-948 
Recombinant Human Linker for Activation of T Cells  1 мгProSpec  pro-948 
Recombinant Human Linker for Activation of T Cells  2µgProSpec  pro-948 
Recombinant Human Lipopolysaccarid Binding Protein  2µgProSpec  PRO-538 
Recombinant Human Lipopolysaccarid Binding Protein  5µgProSpec  PRO-538 
Recombinant Human Lipopolysaccarid Binding Protein  10µgProSpec  PRO-538 
Recombinant Human Lipopolysaccharide-Induced TNF Factor  1 мгProSpec  pro-1350 
Recombinant Human Lipopolysaccharide-Induced TNF Factor  20µgProSpec  pro-1350 
Recombinant Human Lipopolysaccharide-Induced TNF Factor  5µgProSpec  pro-1350 
Recombinant Human Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Adaptor Protein 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1033 
Recombinant Human Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Adaptor Protein 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1033 
Recombinant Human Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor Adaptor Protein 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1033 
Recombinant Human Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein Associated Protein 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1029 
Recombinant Human Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein Associated Protein 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1029 
Recombinant Human Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein Associated Protein 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1029 
Recombinant Human L-Selectin  2µgProSpec  PRO-381 
Recombinant Human L-Selectin  10µgProSpec  PRO-381 
Recombinant Human L-Selectin  1 мгProSpec  PRO-381 
Recombinant Human LSM1 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  1 мгProSpec  pro-259 
Recombinant Human LSM1 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  20µgProSpec  pro-259 
Recombinant Human LSM1 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  5µgProSpec  pro-259 
Recombinant Human LSM12 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  10µgProSpec  pro-1329 
Recombinant Human LSM12 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  100µgProSpec  pro-1329 
Recombinant Human LSM12 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  2µgProSpec  pro-1329 
Recombinant Human LSM2 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  1 мгProSpec  pro-1069 
Recombinant Human LSM2 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  20µgProSpec  pro-1069 
Recombinant Human LSM2 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  5µgProSpec  pro-1069 
Recombinant Human LSM3 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  1 мгProSpec  pro-1060 
Recombinant Human LSM3 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  20µgProSpec  pro-1060 
Recombinant Human LSM3 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  5µgProSpec  pro-1060 
Recombinant Human LSM4 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  1 мгProSpec  pro-065 
Recombinant Human LSM4 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  20µgProSpec  pro-065 
Recombinant Human LSM4 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  5µgProSpec  pro-065 
Recombinant Human LSM5 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  20µgProSpec  pro-795 
Recombinant Human LSM5 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  5µgProSpec  pro-795 
Recombinant Human LSM5 Homolog, U6 Small Nuclear RNA Associated  1 мгProSpec  pro-795 
Recombinant Human Lumican  1 мгProSpec  pro-1821 
Recombinant Human Lumican  20µgProSpec  pro-1821 
Recombinant Human Lumican  5µgProSpec  pro-1821 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex Locus G6F  1 мгProSpec  pro-1782 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex Locus G6F  20µgProSpec  pro-1782 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex Locus G6F  5µgProSpec  pro-1782 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex, Locus D  1 мгProSpec  pro-1838 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex, Locus D  20µgProSpec  pro-1838 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex, Locus D  5µgProSpec  pro-1838 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 86  1 мгProSpec  pro-1559 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 86  20µgProSpec  pro-1559 
Recombinant Human Lymphocyte Antigen 86  5µgProSpec  pro-1559 
Recombinant Human Lysosomal-Associated Membrane Protein 2  10µgProSpec  pro-130 
Recombinant Human Lysosomal-Associated Membrane Protein 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-130 
Recombinant Human Lysosomal-Associated Membrane Protein 2  2µgProSpec  pro-130 
Recombinant Human Lysozyme G-Like 2  10µgProSpec  pro-1245 
Recombinant Human Lysozyme G-Like 2  1 мгProSpec  pro-1245 
Recombinant Human Lysozyme G-Like 2  2µgProSpec  pro-1245 
Recombinant Human Macrophage Erythroblast Attacher  10µgProSpec  pro-1634 
Recombinant Human Macrophage Erythroblast Attacher  1 мгProSpec  pro-1634 
Recombinant Human Macrophage Erythroblast Attacher  2µgProSpec  pro-1634 
Recombinant Human MAD2 Mitotic Arrest Deficient-Like 1  1µgProSpec  pro-934 
Recombinant Human MAD2 Mitotic Arrest Deficient-Like 1  5µgProSpec  pro-934 
Recombinant Human MAD2 Mitotic Arrest Deficient-Like 1  50µgProSpec  pro-934 
Recombinant Human MAD2L1 Binding Protein  10µgProSpec  pro-1052 
Recombinant Human MAD2L1 Binding Protein  1 мгProSpec  pro-1052 
Recombinant Human MAD2L1 Binding Protein  2µgProSpec  pro-1052 
Recombinant Human MAF1  1 мгProSpec  pro-921 
Recombinant Human MAF1  20µgProSpec  pro-921 
Recombinant Human MAF1  5µgProSpec  pro-921 
Recombinant Human Mago-Nashi Homolog B  10µgProSpec  pro-1488 
Recombinant Human Mago-Nashi Homolog B  1 мгProSpec  pro-1488 
Recombinant Human Mago-Nashi Homolog B  2µgProSpec  pro-1488 
Recombinant Human Mago-Nashi Homolog  5µgProSpec  PRO-810 
Recombinant Human Mago-Nashi Homolog  25µgProSpec  PRO-810 
Recombinant Human Mago-Nashi Homolog  1 мгProSpec  PRO-810 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I C  1 мгProSpec  pro-1562 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I C  20µgProSpec  pro-1562 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I C  5µgProSpec  pro-1562 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I F  10µgProSpec  pro-2001 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I F  100µgProSpec  pro-2001 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I F  2µgProSpec  pro-2001 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DO Alpha  1 мгProSpec  pro-1535 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DO Alpha  20µgProSpec  pro-1535 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DO Alpha  5µgProSpec  pro-1535 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DO Beta  1 мгProSpec  pro-1967 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DO Beta  20µgProSpec  pro-1967 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DO Beta  5µgProSpec  pro-1967 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Alpha  1 мгProSpec  pro-1889 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Alpha  20µgProSpec  pro-1889 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Alpha  5µgProSpec  pro-1889 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Beta 1  1 мгProSpec  pro-1888 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Beta 1  20µgProSpec  pro-1888 
Recombinant Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II DR Beta 1  5µgProSpec  pro-1888 
Recombinant Human MAK16  10µgProSpec  pro-2086 
Recombinant Human MAK16  1 мгProSpec  pro-2086 
Recombinant Human MAK16  2µgProSpec  pro-2086 
Recombinant Human Malectin  10µgProSpec  pro-1614 
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