ООО «Лабораторная Диагностика»
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  Оборудование для биохимии и
  молекулярной биологии
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  Цитогенетическая диагностика

/ Каталог / Реагенты для научных исследований / Assay kits - колориметрические наборы для определения активности соединений

BT-laboratory assay kits

Информация для заказа

Наименование ОбъемПроизводствоМетод Кат.Номер
1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase (Rubisco) Assay Kit  25T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0076 
5’-nucleotidase Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0044 
5’-nucleotidase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0259 
Acetylcholine Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0311 
Acetylcholine Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0284 
Acetylcholine Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0247 
Acetylcholinesterase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0060 
Acid phosphatase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0214 
Acid phosphatase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0297-2 
Acid phosphatase Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0297-1 
Adenosine deaminase Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0316 
Adenosine deaminase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0114 
Adenosinetriphosphatase Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0090-2 
Adenosinetriphosphatase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0225-1 
Adenosinetriphosphatase Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0225-2 
Adenosinetriphosphatase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0090-1 
Alanine aminotransferase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0282 
Alanine aminotransferase Assay Kit  60ml?2 30ml?1BT LAB  SH0261 
Alanine aminotransferase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0388 
Albumin Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0189 
Albumin Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0313 
Alcohol dehydrogenase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0073 
Alcohol dehydrogenase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0278 
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0048 
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Assay Kit  150mlBT LAB  SH0178 
Alkaline phosphatase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0037 
Alkaline phosphatase Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0036 
Alkaline phosphatase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0181 
Alpha- Fucosidase Assay Kit  R:50ml?2BT LAB  SH0071 
Alpha- hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase Assay Kit  R1:60ml?2 R2:30ml?1BT LAB  SH0280 
Alpha1 -microglobulin Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0057 
Alpha-Amylase Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0226 
Amylopectin Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0170 
Amylose Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0275 
Angiotensin-converting enzyme Assay Kit  R1:50ml?2BT LAB  SH0033 
Anti-streptolysin O Assay Kit  R1:30ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0050 
Apolipoprotein A-I Assay Kit  R1:45ml?2 R2:30ml?1BT LAB  SH0319 
Apolipoprotein B Assay Kit  R1:45ml?2 R2:30ml?1BT LAB  SH0276 
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) kit (immuno-turbidimetric method)  R1:45ml?2 R2:30ml?1BT LAB  SH0068 
Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0059 
Ascorbic acid oxidase (AAO) activity test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0308 
Aspartate aminotransferase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0045 
Aspartate aminotransferase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0002 
Aspartate aminotransferase Assay Kit  60ml?2 30ml?1BT LAB  SH0070 
ATP Assay Kit  200TBT LAB  SH0122 
ATP Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0075 
ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0078-4 
ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0078-3 
ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0078-1 
ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0078-2 
Beta- amylase (AMS) test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0098 
Beta- Hydroxybutyrate Assay Kit  R1:40ml?2 R2:10ml?2BT LAB  SH0128 
Beta2 microglobulin Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0074 
Beta-glucuronidase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0043 
Beta-glucuronidase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0017 
Beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0069 
Blood Ammonia Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0306 
Blood ethanol (ALC) Assay Kit  40mlBT LAB  SH0010 
Butyrylcholinesterase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0215 
C -reactive protein Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0032 
Ca2+-ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0232-1 
Ca2+-ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0232-2 
Ca2+-ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0232-3 
Ca2+-ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0232-4 
Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0086-4 
Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0086-3 
Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0086-1 
Ca2+Mg2+-ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0086-2 
Calcineurin Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0072 
Calcium Assay Kit  30T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0108 
Calcium Assay Kit  30T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0315 
Calcium Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0368 
Carbon dioxide combining power test kit  2ml?3?10BT LAB  SH0233 
Carbonyl Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0192 
Carboxylesterase (CarE) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0152 
Catalase (CAT) Assay Kit (Ultraviolet)  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0023 
Catalase (CAT) Assay Kit (Visible light)  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0659 
Cell Malondialdehyde (MDA) Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  400TBT LAB  SH0127 
Cellulase (CL) test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0089 
Ceruloplasmin Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0235 
Chitinase test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0021 
Chlorine Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0042 
Chlorine Assay Kit  30T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0202 
Chlorine Assay Kit  30T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0221 
Chlorophyll Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0001 
Choline acetyltransferase Assay Kit  40T/20SampleBT LAB  SH0175 
Choline acetyltransferase Assay Kit  40T/20SampleBT LAB  SH0079 
Cholinesterase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0244 
Cholinesterase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0151 
Chymotrypsin Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0210 
Citrate synthase Assay Kit  20TBT LAB  SH0307-1 
Citrate synthase Assay Kit  50TBT LAB  SH0307-2 
Citric acid (CA) content of the test box  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0229 
Coenzyme ?(NADP /NADPH) content test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0296 
Coenzyme ?NAD (H) content test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0291 
Complement 3 Assay Kit  R1:50ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0173 
Complement 4 Assay Kit  R1:50ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0201 
Copper Assay Kit  R1:45ml R2: 15mlBT LAB  SH0096 
Copper-ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0206 
Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZn-SOD) Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0081 
Creatine kinase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0240 
Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0121 
Creatinine (Cr) Assay Kit ( sarcosine oxidase )  96BT LAB  SH0136 
CSF protein Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0274 
Cysteine (Cys) content test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0035 
Cytochrome b5 content test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0132 
Cytochrome C oxidase Assay Kit  20TBT LAB  SH0269 
D- dimer Assay Kit  R1:30ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0029 
Diamine oxidase (DAO) Assay Kit  25ml/30TBT LAB  SH0014 
Diamine oxidase (DAO) Assay Kit  25ml/80TBT LAB  SH0250 
Direct bilirubin (D-BIL) kit (chemical oxidation)  96BT LAB  SH0046 
DPPH Free Radical Scavenging Capacity Assay Kit  48SampleBT LAB  SH0083 
D-Xylose Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0031 
Electron transport chain Complex I Assay Kit  20T/10SampleBT LAB  SH0140 
Electron transport chain Complex II Assay Kit  20T/20SampleBT LAB  SH0283 
Electron transport chain Complex III Assay Kit  20T/10SampleBT LAB  SH0209 
Electron transport chain Complex IV Assay Kit  20T/20SampleBT LAB  SH0198 
Electron transport chain Complex V Assay Kit  20T/10SampleBT LAB  SH0213 
Endogenous carbon monoxide Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0277 
Endogenous carbon monoxide Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0237 
Endogenous carbon monoxide Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0286 
Endogenous hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0139 
Endotoxin Assay Kit  80T/35SampleBT LAB  SH0228 
Eosinophils Count liquid  40mlBT LAB  SH0088 
Erythrocyte dilution Assay Kit  100mlBT LAB  SH0310 
ESR test solution  100mlBT LAB  SH0273 
Fetoprotein Assay Kit  R1:30ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0025 
Fetoprotein Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0133 
free hemoglobin Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0143 
Fructose Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0097 
Gamma- Glutamyl transferase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0146 
Gamma- glutamylcysteine ligase (GCL) test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0267 
Gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0182 
Glucose Assay Kit  4?50mlBT LAB  SH0223 
Glucose kit (glucose oxidase method)  96BT LAB  SH0005 
Glucose kit (hexokinase method)  96BT LAB  SH0248-1 
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Assay Kit  100T/30SampleBT LAB  SH0301 
Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0216 
Glutamate measurement kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0208 
Glutaminase (GLS) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0113 
Glutamine synthetase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0187 
glutathion reductases Assay Kit  50TBT LAB  SH0085 
Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-PX) Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0028-1 
Glutathione Peroxidase (GSH-PX) Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0028-2 
Glutathione Reductase Activation Coefficient Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0289 
Glutathione S—transferase (GSH-ST) Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0314 
Glycerol Assay Kit  300TBT LAB  SH0197 
Glycerol Assay Kit  100TBT LAB  SH0231 
Glycosylated hemoglobin Assay Kit  15T/14SampleBT LAB  SH0134 
Glycosylated serum protein Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0092 
Glycosylated serum protein Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0317-2 
Glycosylated serum protein Assay Kit  25T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0317-1 
Glycyl proline dipeptidyl aminopeptidase Assay Kit  R1:40ml?2 R2:10ml?2BT LAB  SH0298 
H+?K+-ATPase Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0018-1 
H+?K+-ATPase Assay Kit  200T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0018-2 
Hemoglobin test solution  1ml/35SampleBT LAB  SH0166 
Heparin solution  10 млBT LAB  SH0176 
Hexokinase Assay Kit  48SampleBT LAB  SH0218 
High density lipoprotein cholesterol Assay Kit  80mlBT LAB  SH0117 
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol Assay Kit  96T(25ml)BT LAB  SH0049 
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol Assay Kit  100T/96Sample(100ml)BT LAB  SH0186 
High-sensitivity C -reactive protein Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0129-1 
Homocysteine Assay Kit  R1:37ml*2 R2:10ml*2BT LAB  SH0255 
Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0251 
Hydroxyl Free Radical Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0100 
Hydroxyproline Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0211 
Hydroxyproline Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0013 
Hydroxyproline Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0264 
Immunoglobulin A Assay Kit  R1:50ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0171 
Immunoglobulin G Assay Kit  R1:50ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0142 
Immunoglobulin M Assay Kit  R1:50ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0162 
Inhibition and produce superoxide anion Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0106 
Lactase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0040 
Lactate dehydrogenase Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0065-1 
Lactate dehydrogenase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0065-2 
Lactate dehydrogenase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0022-1 
Lactate dehydrogenase Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0022-2 
Lactic Acid Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0153 
Lactic Acid Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0177 
LDH isoenzymes Assay Kit  R1:60ml?1;R2:20ml?1BT LAB  SH0318 
Lipase Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0256 
Lipase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0147 
Lipid peroxidation Assay Kit  20TBT LAB  SH0312-1 
Lipid peroxidation Assay Kit  100TBT LAB  SH0312-3 
Lipid peroxidation Assay Kit  50TBT LAB  SH0312-2 
Lipoprotein Alpha Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0184 
Lipoprotein lipase?Hepatic Lipas Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0185-2 
Lipoprotein lipase?Hepatic Lipas Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0185-1 
Liver / Muscle glycogen Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0217 
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol Assay Kit  96T(25ml)BT LAB  SH0169 
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol Assay Kit  100T/96Sample(100ml)BT LAB  SH0103 
Lysozyme Assay Kit  30T/28SampleBT LAB  SH0196 
Lysozyme standard  2mgBT LAB  SH0174 
Magnesium Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0180 
Malate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit (Serum, Plasma)  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0093 
Malate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit (Tissue)  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0094 
Malondialdehyde (MDA) Assay Kit (TBA method)  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0020-1 
Malondialdehyde (MDA) Assay Kit (TBA method)  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0020-2 
Methaemoglobin Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0024 
Methaemoglobin Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0265 
Mg2 + -EGTA-ATPase test cassette (colorimetric method)  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0266-2 
Mg2 + -EGTA-ATPase test cassette (colorimetric method)  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0266-1 
Micrococcus powder  30mgBT LAB  SH0268 
Microscale Malondialdehyde (MDA) Assay Kit (TBA method)  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0041-1 
Microscale Malondialdehyde (MDA) Assay Kit (TBA method)  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0041-2 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +, T-ATP enzyme )  100T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0262-3 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +, T-ATP enzyme )  200T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0262-4 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +, T-ATP enzyme )  100T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0262-1 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +, T-ATP enzyme )  200T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0262-2 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +-ATP enzyme )  75T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0168-1 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +-ATP enzyme )  150T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0168-4 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +-ATP enzyme )  150T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0168-2 
Minim ATP enzyme test kit (Na + K +, Ca2 + Mg2 +-ATP enzyme )  75T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0168-3 
Mltase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0145 
Monoamine oxidase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0054 
Myeloperoxidase Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0055 
Na+K+–ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0056-3 
Na+K+–ATPase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0056-1 
Na+K+–ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0056-2 
Na+K+–ATPase Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0056-4 
NAD kinase (NADK) test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0236 
NADH oxidase (NOX) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0204 
NADPH- cytochrome C reductase (NCR) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0047 
NADPH oxidase Assay Kit  20T/10SampleBT LAB  SH0157 
nitrate reductase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0207-1 
nitrate reductase Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0207-2 
Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Chemical NO2- assay)  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0063 
Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Microwell plate method)  96BT LAB  SH0030 
Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Nitrate reductase method)  25T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0254-1 
Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Nitrate reductase method)  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0254-2 
Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) typed Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0195-2 
Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) typed Assay Kit (Colormetric method)  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0195-1 
nitrite Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0230 
Nonesterified Free fatty acids Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0007 
Nonesterified Free fatty acids Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0115 
Oxidized thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0320 
Pectinase test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0227 
Pepsin Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0199 
Peroxidase Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0304 
Peroxidase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0258 
Peroxidase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0004 
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0082 
Phosphate Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0124 
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0300 
Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase kinase Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0303 
Phosphofructokinase (PFK) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0125 
Plant Ammonium Nitrogen Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0245 
Plant flavonoids test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0321 
Plant Malondialdehyde (MDA) Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  48TBT LAB  SH0091 
Plant Nitrate Nitrogen Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0101 
Plant proanthocyanidins test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0062 
Plant soluble sugar content test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0270 
Plant total phenol test kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0080 
Platelet dilution solution  100mlBT LAB  SH0179 
Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0066 
Potassium Assay Kit  30T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0302 
Potassium Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0285 
Potassium Assay Kit  30T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0293 
Prealbumin Assay Kit  R1:45ml?1;R2:15ml?1BT LAB  SH0281 
proline Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0150 
Protatic acid phosphatase Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0026 
Protein Carbonyl Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0257-1 
Protein Carbonyl Assay Kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0257-2 
Pyruvate Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0019 
Pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0099 
Pyruvate kinase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0052 
Pyruvate kinase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0294 
Reactive oxygen species Assay Kit  100T-500TBT LAB  SH0403 
Reduced glutathione (GSH) Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0193 
Reduced glutathione (GSH) Assay Kit (Spectrophotometric method)  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0243 
Reticulocyte Count liquid  16mlBT LAB  SH0203 
Retinol binding protein Assay Kit  R1:45ml?1 R2:15ml?1BT LAB  SH0246 
Rheumatoid factor Assay Kit  R1:40ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0077 
serum iron Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0119 
Sialic acid Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0188 
Sodium Assay Kit  30T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0279 
Soil Acid Phosphatase (S-ACP) Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0116 
Soil Acid Protease Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0137 
Soil Alkaline Phosphatase (S-AKP/ALP) Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0290 
Soil Alkaline Protease Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0016 
Soil Ammonium Nitrogen Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0238 
Soil Beta-Glucosidase (Beta-GC)Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0006 
Soil Catalase (S-CAT) Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0109 
Soil Cellulase (S-CL) Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0253 
Soil Chitinase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0212 
Soil Dehydrogenase (S-DHA) Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0295 
Soil Laccase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0110 
Soil Neutral Phosphatase (S-NP) Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0299 
Soil Neutral Protease Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0234 
Soil Nitrate Nitrogen Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0104 
Soil Nitrate Reductase (S-NR) Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0051 
Soil Peroxidase (S-POD) asssay kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0138 
Soil Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0009 
Soil Sucrase (S-SC) Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0222 
Soil Total Phosphorus Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0112 
Soil urease (UE) test box (colorimetric method)  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0135 
Sorbitol dehydrogenase test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0064 
Starch content kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0038 
Succinate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0003 
Sucrase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0105 
Sucrose measurement kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0239 
Sucrose measurement kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0163 
Sucrose phosphoric acid synthetase Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0183 
sucrose synthetase Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0191 
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Assay Kit (WST-1 method)  48TBT LAB  SH0039-1 
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Assay Kit (WST-1 method)  96BT LAB  SH0039-2 
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) typed Assay Kit (Hydroxylamine method)  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0224-1 
Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) typed Assay Kit (Hydroxylamine method)  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0224-2 
Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0053 
The total protein Assay Kit ( with standard : BCA method )  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0061-2 
The total protein Assay Kit ( with standard : BCA method )  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0061-1 
The total protein Assay Kit ( with standard : BCA method )  96BT LAB  SH0292-2 
The total protein Assay Kit ( with standard : BCA method )  48TBT LAB  SH0292-1 
Thioredoxin peroxidase (TPX) test kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0141 
tissue iron Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0107 
Toal glutathione / Oxidized glutathione Assay Kit  50TBT LAB  SH0154 
Toal glutathione / Oxidized glutathione Assay Kit  48TBT LAB  SH0205-1 
Toal glutathione / Oxidized glutathione Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0205-2 
Total Amino Acid Assay Kit  80T/78SampleBT LAB  SH0123 
Total antioxidant capacity Assay Kit  100T/50SampleBT LAB  SH0148-2 
Total antioxidant capacity Assay Kit  50T/25SampleBT LAB  SH0148-1 
Total antioxidant capacity Assay Kit (ABTS method)  96BT LAB  SH0241 
Total antioxidant capacity Assay Kit (FRAP method)  96BT LAB  SH0242 
Total bile acid (TBA) kits  96BT LAB  SH0118 
Total Bile acid Assay Kit  R1:75ml?1 R2:25ml?1BT LAB  SH0011 
Total bilirubin (T-BIL) kit  96BT LAB  SH0164 
Total cholesterol Assay Kit  100mlBT LAB  SH0034 
Total cholesterol Assay Kit  96T(25ml)BT LAB  SH0111 
Total cholesterol Assay Kit  100T/96Sample(100ml)BT LAB  SH0149 
total iron binding capacity Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0131 
Total mercapto (-SH) measurement kit  48TBT LAB  SH0008 
Total mercapto (-SH) measurement kit  100T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0190 
Total Nitric Oxide Synthase Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0102-2 
Total Nitric Oxide Synthase Assay Kit  25T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0102-1 
Total Oxidant Status (TOS) Colorimetric Assay Kit  96BT LAB  SH0658 
Total protein quantitative Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0309-2 
Total protein quantitative Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0172 
Total protein quantitative Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0309-1 
Total Superoxide Dismutase (T-SOD) Assay Kit (Hydroxylamine method)  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0120-1 
Total Superoxide Dismutase (T-SOD) Assay Kit (Hydroxylamine method)  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0120-2 
Transferrin Assay Kit  R1:45ml?1 R2:15ml?1BT LAB  SH0015 
Trehalase Assay Kit  50T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0271 
Trehalose content detection kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0158-1 
Triglyceride Assay Kit  100T/96Sample(100ml)BT LAB  SH0252 
Triglyceride Assay Kit  96T(25ml)BT LAB  SH0167 
Triglycerides Assay Kit  100mlBT LAB  SH0012 
Troponin Assay Kit  R1:30ml?1 R2:10ml?1BT LAB  SH0161 
Trypsin Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0288-2 
Trypsin Assay Kit  25T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0288-1 
Typing thiol (-SH) Assay Kit  100T/24SampleBT LAB  SH0087 
Typing thiol (-SH) Assay Kit  24BT LAB  SH0084 
Urea Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0067 
Urea Assay Kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0160 
Uric acid (UA) Test Kit  96BT LAB  SH0305 
Uric acid Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0095 
Urine bilirubin Assay Kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0194 
Urine fecal occult blood test kit  100TBT LAB  SH0156 
Urine glucose Assay Kit  100mlBT LAB  SH0263 
Urine micro albumin Assay Kit  R1:40ml?2 R2:10ml?2BT LAB  SH0219 
Urine protein test kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0260 
Urine protein test kit  100T/96SampleBT LAB  SH0126 
Urobilinogen test kit  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0220 
Vitamin B1 fluorescence detection kit  50TBT LAB  SH0130-10 
Vitamin B2 fluorescence detection kit  50TBT LAB  SH0249-11 
Vitamin C Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0144 
Vitamin E Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  50T/48SampleBT LAB  SH0200 
WBC dilution  100mlBT LAB  SH0272 
Xanthine Oxidase (XOD) Assay Kit (Colorimetric method)  50T/48 SampleBT LAB  SH0027 
Zinc Assay Kit  R1:50ml?1 R2:5ml?1BT LAB  SH0287 
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